Monthly Archives: February, 2013



At Bako National Park.

pigs on the beach

ImageAt Bako National Park.

back again


Apologies for the break! I spent last week in Kuching for a conference and then went to Bako National Park for a couple of jungly days. The next three weeks are looking relatively quiet so hopefully it’ll be blogging business as usual. Chinese New Year celebrations officially came to an end yesterday, but they had some beautiful decorations in the hotel in Kuching.



It’s a city not known for its fabulous vistas but even so the view of this derelict garden beneath the window of my five-star hotel was a shock.

rhinoceros hornbill


The rhinoceros hornbill is my favourite Borneo bird. This unhappy-looking specimen lives in a cage in Labuan Bird Park, but I’ve got a couple of jungle trips coming up so I’m hoping to see some in the wild.

after the hiatus . . .



. . . okra, in the final installment of my fruit-and-veg-tower series.  I don’t even like okra, but this was so beautiful I was determined to try and do something with it. Sadly, more than a week later, the okra is languishing in a plastic bag at the bottom of the fridge and will be thrown out tomorrow before I depart for a weekend in Singapore.

inside the tower . . .


. . . a papaya girdled with okra . . . (continued)

. . . a tower of fruit and veg!


This has to be one of the best presents I’ve ever had. Star fruit, broccoli, green apples, red apples, yellow apples, oranges, pears, red peppers, plum tomatoes, carrots . . . (to be continued)

not a tower of junk food . . .


In Malaysia, at ceremonies and presentations, a cellophane-wrapped, beribboned tower of foodstuff is often awarded to dignitaries and prizewinners. I say a tower of foodstuff, but it generally seems to be a tower of junk food — giant bags of crisps coated in bright orange powder, family-sized boxes of sugary biscuits . . . the kind of food that is helping maintain Malaysia’s status as country with the highest rate of diabetes in Asia. Today, after nearly two years in Malaysia I got my first tower! It was for some work I’ve been doing on a literacy programme with one of my schools. But it wasn’t a tower of junk food . . . (to be continued)



In the dirty old town they’re getting ready for Chinese New Year.

The Bath Novel Awards

international writing prizes

Kate Armstrong

Writing - Coaching - Speaking


A group of published UK-based authors and illustrators of picture books, children's and YA.

The Guyliner

Dating stories, Blind Date reviews, books, relationships, LGBTQ stuff and the terrifying awkwardness of being alive in the 21st century

Clare Golding

Writer Clare Golding

Idle blogs of an idle fellow

Journeys from the fax - concise thoughts on the modern world


a to z of the writer of the a to z


Getting excited about short stories in the UK & Ireland - in print, online & live!!

Style Wilderness


Kathy Fish

my website and blog

dianne bown-wilson

fiction writer and freelance journalist

The Literary Sofa

with Isabel Costello


365 stories

The Good Son

Paul McVeigh

Lifesaving Poems

Essential poems for hard times

J L Hall

Writer, teacher, mentor.

Long Road from Jarrow

A blog of my new book project, an eightieth anniversary retracing of the famous 'crusade'; a protest march from Jarrow to London by unemployed workers in October 1936